Udaan – Flight towards creativity

Udaan – Flight towards creativity

Udyam is concerned with the integrated development of its students -the physical, cultural, aesthetic, social, mental and emotional aspects of their personalities. We organise a wide range of social, creative and cultural activities for our children to allow them to discover different aspects of their personalities and develop their potential capacities outside of the classroom.

We offer our students a wide range of extra-curricular activities, such as football, squash, classical dance, debates, drama competition, sports day, picnics and movie screenings. We also welcome ideas from our students and provide these students the opportunity to conceptualise and organise events. These activities go a long way in helping the children develop a sense of responsibility, co-operation, leadership skills, diligence, punctuality, competitive and team spirit.

A favourite with our students is our annual festival Taraang. It acts as a platform for these children to showcase their talents in the area of drama, dance and poetry in front of a joyful audience which consists of their friends and families.

The aim of each of these activities is to widen their exposure to and understanding of different opportunities, issues and events in the outside world.