Mahila Samarthya Manch – Women empowerment

Mahila Samarthya Manch
Women Empowerment

As our programs with our students and engagement with their families started to bear fruit, the mothers of the students and some other ladies from the local community started to express interest in educating themselves. And so we gladly launched our Mahila Samrathya Manch program to help empower the women by means of education, information dissemination and training. Our key focus is to help the women become aware of their rights and privileges in a modern society.

We organise a mix of classroom learning, interactions and workshops on various subjects of concern for these women to equip them with greater knowledge of the world around them and a greater sense of control over their lives. For example: We have hosted doctor-led workshops on a wide range of women health and hygiene issues. We have helped all the ladies set up personal bank accounts and also understand the importance of having small-time savings and insurance.

We firmly believe that educating and empowering the women is the key to long-lasting social change in communities. We take it as our moral, social and constitutional responsibility to ensure their progress by providing them with education, equal rights and opportunities. It is not easy for most of these ladies to leave their work/ home and come to us, even if only for a few hours each week. But their determination and eagerness to learn has guided the way for them.

Key program challenges:

  • To help the ladies attend the classes and workshops regularly and find time to revise the lessons.
  • To find subject matter experts to conduct workshops and be able to explain the issue in simple terms.